Experienced, Licensed Counselor in Dallas, Texas
Joyce Kay Hamilton, MLA/LPC is a licensed counselor in Dallas, Texas. A successful, professional counselor for 20+ years, she has been helping people (just like you) overcome obstacles to living a peaceful, happy life.
Joyce Kay has helped others identify personal weaknesses and then assist clients re frame them into personal strengths and she has also demonstrated effectiveness in helping clients develop both self-worth and self-esteem. In addition, Ms. Hamilton has extensive experience assessing and treating issues related to workplace injuries.
- Anxiety
- Bible Counseling
- Biofeedback
- Chronic Pain
- Depression
- Divorce
- Eating Disorders
- Recovery
- Grief
- Marriage & Family
- Medical Support
- Neurofeedback
- Parenting skills
- Relationship issues
- Stress Management
- Telehealth Counseling
For Individuals Ms. Hamilton will educate you on the predictable course of healing recovery, identify clues for potential symptom relapse, and then design effective coping styles related to your particular situation. She has diagnosed burn-out and other stress related disorders, implementing an effective treatment plan.
For Relationship issues Ms. Hamilton has assisted couples in:
- identifying their issues of conflict
- articulating individual needs within the family/couple context
- developing skills in communicating anger or other various uncomfortable thoughts/feelings in negotiating or problem solving
- helping couples to accept differences as “normal” in healthy relationships
Ms. Hamilton is listed with the
Therapy Directory and has answered
questions from potential clients.
Ms. Hamilton is associated as a psychotherapist
to handle behavioral and/or mental health needs
at the following physical therapy clinics.