Therapy & Counseling Sessions in Dallas, TX

A signal, a sign, an indication, a warning, and yes, even a giveaway that something else is going on within the mind/body connection. Something, that mysterious something… what is it? Am I going crazy? Oh, surely, this will pass…won’t it? What is WRONG with me? Who do I ask? How will I know when to seek help?


  • Feeling constantly on edge
  • More worried than normal
  • Restlessness, unable to relax
  • Trouble falling/staying asleep
  • More irritable than normal
  • Autonomic hyperactivity
  • Fearful
  • Less social


  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of interest in (or enjoyment of) activities
  • Lack of energy or easily fatigued
  • Social withdrawal
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Tearful, for little or no reason
  • Loss of joy (or sense of humor)


  • Diagnosed with a medical condition that requires on-going attention
  • Constant pain
  • Frequent headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Work related injury
  • Disability


  • Change in sleeping patterns (too little…to much)
  • Unable to accept genuine compliments
  • Make self-disparaging remarks
  • Take the blame for others easily
  • Lack of pride
  • Difficulty saying “no” to others
  • Fear of rejection by others
These symptoms could be an indication that you have DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, LOW SELF-ESTEEM, or other PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS which could be positively impacted by the course of medical treatment. Please feel free to print this page and check the symptoms you are experiencing, then bring this sheet to your appointment.

These symptoms are important and are should not be ignored. Please contact me for an evaluation. Together, we can decide on and implement an effective treatment plan to help open the door to the peaceful and productive life you deserve.

You can feel better….soon!

Ask about my cash discount special (when you bring cash to the office).

Therapy Packages

Not convinced you really “need” therapy. These options may benefit you.

1 or 2 Email Question(s)
Email your question(s) and receive a prompt response.


Detailed Email Response

Email your situation and receive a detailed response.


Individual Therapy Session – One-on-One
Receive a 45 minute one-on-one Therapy Session.


Therapy Package – 4 Sessions (Prepaid)

Receive (4) 45 minute one-on-one Therapy Sessions.


Therapy Package – 4 hour Evaluation/Diagnosis
Receive 4 hours of in-depth evaluation and diagnosis.


Cancellation Fee


Please Note: Prices quoted are at the cash discounted rate. Insurance filing necessitates the normal reasonable and/or customary fees for Dallas, Texas.